Wednesday, July 8, 2015

I stinkith

Just trying to work out a new thought.

At church Sunday I was thinking about Lazarus and how Jesus called him back to life and out of the grave, but the mourners warned that Lazarus would stink from the stench of being dead and starting to decay. And then I thought that is what we all are. We, as the born again bride of Christ died to our selves, our human flesh, and rose again in Christ. But we "stinkith". :D  We are dead in Christ. We are born again. But our human existence still lingers on us like the smell of the grave. Our Christian walk on earth is our journey from the tomb into the light of Heaven and the only things that hold us back or limit us are our memories of being lost in this world without God. We are the heirs of Heaven, but we carry the stench of our humanity as we leave the tomb and spend our lives working out how to rid ourselves of the smell.

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