Today I received my daily girlfriends in god post and it was a reminder to not get so caught up in daily life that we miss the beautiful. Not defining what The Beautiful is, because it can be almost anything at any moment that catches not only your eyes or ears, but your heart strings too. It can be anything, from the winter sunset that is so full of color and beauty that it makes your heart swell up and almost choke you to the fist pumping fast beat song that you hear while driving that makes you feel alive and happy. Beautiful moments can happen anywhere, in fact they are all around us all the time every day. We have to WORK to NOT overwork. Continuously remind ourselves that God fills our lives with beautiful moments and we only miss them because we aren't looking.
Now, the world is crashing. The world is crashing hard, but that does not mean that God will stop sending beautiful moments. In fact I believe that we will see even more of them because the darkness of the world crashing around us will make the beauty around us shine even brighter. However, as always, we have to be looking or we will miss them. These little "gifts" from Heaven are all around us and will be here as long as the world the Creator made exists as his little "signatures".
The trick is to not become trapped in the whirling swirling maelstrom of darkness that is building around us. We may be riding in the middle of the storm alone with the spiritually blind and deaf, but we do not have to stare helplessly into the center of the void and scream in mind numbing terror over what is happening. Unlike those who are too blind to see and too deaf to hear, we, the children of the Living God KNOW that it's ok. Everything is ok. No matter what happens, this is just the ride and when it is over "REAL LIFE" will began. Our real lives, the reason we were created, the joyous reunion of our spirits and our Heavenly Father. Incomprehensible joy. That is where my hope lies, incomprehensible joy, because I can't imagine it, I have never felt it or seen it for more than a whisper of a breath; a momentary glimpse and all I can do, especially in the dimming light of a crashing world, is hope. I put all my faith, my hope, in a concept I can't really explain any more than an incomprehensible joy.
Awesome. and Well Said. :O)
Thanks for posting.
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