Monday, December 31, 2012

What Dreams May Come

Lately, for the past week actually, I have been having strange dreams. Dark dreams of an apocalyptic type life. Now, I don't know what these dreams mean, or if they mean anything, but I feel like they are not simply dreams. I don't think they are to be taken literally so much as they are warnings of a world view that is sneaking into place; and not even sneaking quietly.

I have always been a lucid dreamer most of my life, meaning that I am almost always aware that I am dreaming in my dreams and therefore I never have nightmares and very rarely even dark natured dreams because of that awareness. Lately, I am still aware that I am dreaming, but I am confused as to why they are all so dark.

They are all different scenarios, but all have a common theme of a world that has been compromised in evil that is seeking to destroy everything that represents the light.

In all the dreams I am in some guise of a person trying to save different people from different things in an apocalyptic type world. But it is not a Hollywood apocalypse but something much closer to the world we actually live in. This apocalyptic world is not infected by zombies or nuclear mutants. The evil we hide from is much more subtle. The world more “normal” looking, in fact we often run into others who are not “evil” but cannot see the danger that has come.

In any case, these dreams leave me with a vague memory of the details, but more importantly, they leave me with the message that the time is coming. The world is crashing. The end has begun. I know I know, every generation has thought they were the ones to see the “end of the world” and I don't know that I will see the end of the world, but I feel like the dreams are a message. Maybe to only me, there are a lot of things I need to get straighted out in my life so that I am spiritually ready to face whatever is coming. Are they a message to others in the church, I don't know, I don't feel any real direction to share these with anyone, but mostly that is because I don't think anyone would take me seriously anyway and this is kinda out there.

And then, this could all totally be no message at all. These dreams could simply be my subconscious expressing its unease with the horrendous things being reported daily on the news. They may only represent my desire to be useful in the Kingdom, but I can't help but wonder...

Throw a frog into boiling water and it will jump out, but put a frog in a pan of cool water and slowly heat it up and the frog will boil. Now substitute the word Christians for frog. Do these dreams mean anything? Do they mean nothing? So, for now, I will just post this here and see what happens next.

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