Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The difference

I am finding that I am not so heavy recently. Nothing has changed really in my life or even in my attitudes dileberatly, but I have a friend who has returned to posting blogs on Christian concepts that he encourages comments and conversations on and I find that I am "feasting" on them as if I were starving. And I realize that I have been starving for Christian conversation and interaction. I miss the group I used to belong to becuase we might have a speaker for a short time, but the majority of the time we spent discussing and interacting with each other... as Iron sharpened iron. I miss the sharpening and Drason's blogs encourage me to start my own thinking processes about what he discusses, even if I do not always agree 100% it gets me thinking and that has been where I have been drowning recently. Drowning in a stagnent pool of stinking water that I couldn't get out of and his blog has started a trickle of fresh water flowing into my reflection pool again allowing me to increase the flow and stir up long sleeping water. I still miss "therapy" though and regret that I never appreciated it enough when it was there!!


Benjamin Griffin said...

I'm like the little bubble tube in a fish tank: I don't clean the water, but I do blow a lot of air. . . uh, fresh air. :) Blessings Beck.

Rebecca at the Well said...