Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chapter 21 – A Rare Road and The End

Dr P brings her book to a close by reflecting on what she has learned while walking her “discovery beach” and reflects on the current lives of the women she continues to meet occasionally. She says that Love is a self giving attitude and action that runs counter to everything our culture respects and admires as well as our very human nature. But, she reflects, it endures.

She ends the book with 1Cor.13:13...”And now these, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

Love she says, leaves a legacy that reverberates through time.
Love never fails.
Love is the only part of our reality that continues into eternity. Everything else will fade away, except love.

And because I am doing my best – no matter what age, stage, or location I am in – to live my life full of love, then I am making a difference that will endure through all time into the very presence of God Himself. And THAT is why I matter far more than I think I do. That is why all of us matter more than we think we do. Everything else we do on this Earth, is finite and will one day end, except the love that we share with others. God's love for His people, ALL His creations who live upon the Earth. For He loves all of us, those who accept and acknowledge him, and even those who don't. And those the ones who don't ever accept Him or His gift to the world must someday face the consequences of their own choices, God loves them still.

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