I don't know what to do or not do. Since my last post, I received an email from someone I care greatly about and she pretty much ripped me apart. I spoke with someone I trust to steer me truly and that helped me get control of the water coming in thorough the hole my friend punched in my side. And now, I sit here and think that perhaps it is time to let go. I don't know if I will be able to do it very well, I have never been able to do it in the past, but I do love my friends and it seems that our friendship has outlived it's use in their lives, so God help me I am truly going to try very hard to let them go. I think this will be only traumatic to me, because I feel like to them, they are already gone. So is life. Well, my life anyway.
And for the record, I still love you guys, not that you will ever see this or ever know, but I do and I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. This is about me, but it is mostly about trying to do what is best for you guys.
You are correct, It is mostly about me LOL. I just got to stop hurting and this is the only way I know to do it for the moment.
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